During March 2020, TPK of Star Hotels is 38.94 Percent. The Amount of Passenger Air Transport and Sea Transportation Each Recorded 99,960 People and 5,148 People - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Toli-Toli Regency

Please welcome to Integrated Statistics Services, Statistics of Tolitoli Regency at 08.30 a.m. - 03.30 p.m. (every workday) at Magamu Street 111, Tuweley Village, Baolan Subdistrict, Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi Province.

Saat ini Publikasi Kabupaten Tolitoli Dalam Angka 2024 sudah tersedia dan dapat diakses di sini

During March 2020, TPK of Star Hotels is 38.94 Percent. The Amount of Passenger Air Transport and Sea Transportation Each Recorded 99,960 People and 5,148 People

Release Date : May 4, 2020
File Size : 2.17 MB


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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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