Happy National Batik Day, October 2, 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Toli-Toli Regency

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Happy National Batik Day, October 2, 2024

Happy National Batik Day, October 2, 2024

October 2, 2024 | Other Activities

Happy National Batik Day!

Etymologically, the term batik comes from the Javanese language, namely ambatik. The word "amba" means wide cloth, while "titik" or "matik" in Javanese is a verb that means to make a dot. From the combination of these two words, batik can be interpreted as dots drawn on a wide cloth medium to produce beautiful patterns. This technique involves the process of etching wax on the cloth with a tool called a canting or stamp, before the cloth is colored and goes through other stages to produce a distinctive batik motif.

The use of the term "titik" describes the basic technique of making batik, where the motifs created often consist of small patterns that are carefully arranged, giving unique characteristics to each batik cloth.

Indonesian Batik has been designated as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on October 2, 2009 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

National Batik Day is an important moment to appreciate and preserve one of Indonesia's most valuable cultural heritages. Batik is not only a part of clothing, but also a story, history, and pride of the nation. With the spirit of National Batik Day, let us continue to support and preserve batik as a cultural heritage that must be maintained, appreciated, and developed for future generations.

National Batik Day is not just a commemoration, but also a momentum to celebrate the identity and beauty of our culture. Through this commemoration, the cultural heritage of batik is increasingly recognized globally, and Indonesian people are expected to be more confident in wearing batik as part of an effort to preserve Indonesia's cultural heritage.

Let's be proud to wear batik!
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